Adolf Witte – Elektro- + Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH
Adolf Witte GmbH

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control cabinet builder [ m/f/d]

Your new
job in Gettorf!

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most modern equipment

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Now as a switch cabinet builder [m/f/d]
Apply in 2 minutes

quick and uncomplicated

Adolf Witte
Elektro- und Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH
Ravensberg 8
24214 Gettorf


Switch cabinet builder [m/f/d]

Quick application in 120 Sec.


Quick application [m/f/d]
fast and uncomplicated

➔ Switch cabinet builder [m/f/d]
➔ Industrial electrician [m/f/d]
➔ Unsolicited application [m/f/d]

Quick application in 120 sec.